by K- | Jan 15, 2016 | Technology
Today I thought I would field some common questions about Apple’s iCloud Photos. Many people who have transitioned from using iTunes and iPhoto to the new iCloud Library and Apple Photos have been left confused and unsure as to how it all now works. Plus, our...
by K- | Sep 4, 2015 | Technology
It’s happened to everyone. Coffee spills. Dropped phones. Stolen bags. And while most physical things are replaceable, photos and contact information aren’t. It’s no secret that I am a fan of Apple’s iPhones, and their operating system iOS....
by K- | Mar 3, 2015 | College Students, High School Students, Life Skills, Study Skills, Technology
I have to admit, I use Google. A lot. All day, everyday. For everything from figuring out the name of that song I heard on the radio to researching sources for my graduate level papers. The point is, how you use Google, and how helpful your search results actually are...
by K- | Jan 2, 2015 | College Students, High School Students, Study Skills
This workflow can used for any type of research based work, from upper level high school research papers to doctoral theses. It’s especially helpful in keeping your ideas and sources organized and help you to avoid any issues with plagiarism. This is the setup I...
by K- | Jan 2, 2015 | College Students, High School Students, Study Skills
The post is part of the Researcher’s Workflow; if you haven’t seen that post, check it out! Mendeley is an amazing tool when used to its full potential and is completely customizable to your research needs. At its barest, Mendeley serves an important tool...