What is UncommonGrad.com?
UncommonGrad.com is website and blog that I created to share my advice about education and student life from high school through grad school.
Is this website for students or parents?
Both! Whether you are a parent or a student, I hope that sharing my experiences will help you as much as they’ve helped other parents and students.
How should I use the website?
However you choose! I suggest starting with the Beginner’s Guide, as it will guide you to the content that you want to see most. But please feel free to explore, and follow UncommonGrad on Pinterest and Twitter and don’t forget to subscribe for monthly email updates!
Where should I start?
I always suggest the Beginner’s Guide, but feel free to explore by using the search feature to the right or by reading my blog.
Can this website help me if I am not in high school yet?
Of course! Firstly, congrats on planning ahead! It’s never too early to start thinking about high school and college.
What if I’ve just graduated college?
Well, first I’m sorry you didn’t find us until now! But yes, we have a lot of great resources on interviews, resumes, job searches and more!
How do I follow you on Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter?
Simply follow links on the bottom footer of your screen. Alternatively, you can go to Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter and click to follow me there.
How do I sign up to receive email updates and your monthly newsletter?
On any page (including this one) simply find the box on the right sidebar labeled “Subscribe Here” and enter your email address. It’s that simple.
Why did you start UncommonGrad.com?
I started UncommonGrad.com because I was repeatedly asked to share my experiences from high school and college with younger students and their parents – and was always told how invaluable some of my insights were. Want to know more? Read more about me.
UncommonGrad was started in 2014 to share life hacks, education tips, and tech how-tos. I hope you find them useful!
I have a suggestion for a topic. What do I do?
Please send me an email! You can find my email link at the footer of each page, or email me at ask@uncommongrad.com. I look forward to hearing from you!