
Guest Post: How to Guarantee Your Child Gets Better Grades with Minimal Extra Effort
Today, I've got a special guest post from Steve Dorfman of Tier One Tutors, especially for parents. Check out some of his great study skills advice below! Check out my guest post on "How to Get the Most Out of Your College Visit" at Tier One Tutors, here. When I was...

Studying and Living Abroad: Banking & Money
A lot of things are stressful when moving abroad to work or study, but figuring out the complexities of international banking and credit cards shouldn't be one of them. In this second part of my series, Studying and Living Abroad, I'm sharing my experiences and tips...

The Researcher’s Workflow
This workflow can used for any type of research based work, from upper level high school research papers to doctoral theses. It's especially helpful in keeping your ideas and sources organized and help you to avoid any issues with plagiarism. This is the setup I used...

Secret (and Free!) Tool of Choice for Research: Mendeley
The post is part of the Researcher's Workflow; if you haven't seen that post, check it out! Mendeley is an amazing tool when used to its full potential and is completely customizable to your research needs. At its barest, Mendeley serves an important tool to keep your...

I’m K-
I’m a young professional with an uncommon student story–and I’d like to share it with you, along with my tips on technology, travel, and of course, all things education.